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Utah Elk Hunting With Kevlar Ranch Outfitters (KRO) Sept 2016

Utah early season Elk hunt with Clint Kearl of KRO.

It’s August 31st and the plan was Kenneth would meet up with us at Ohare, but as usual that didn’t happen. His flight from NC took a sudden landing for there was an emergency medical issue on the plane so United change everyone’s iteneary and he now arrives in Salt lake after 7:00 pm. Yikes! That’s puts a big change on the plans. But it could be worse. So we will get the rental van loaded it up with all our gear and head over to HOYT for they want to film the defiant piece  with me again. After that we hope to get a bite to eat and go get Kenneth from his flight and we will head up to KRO outfitters for our 1st ever hunt in the great state of Utah!

September 1st…

We met Clint at his house and he took us to camp, it’s an old ranch house and pretty cool filled with history from his family. We woke and got all the gear unpacked and Chris made us elk hamburgers and we met Greg, who was also going to be guiding us this week.

We went and saw all the animals they have taken in and there a bunch. One of the llama’s really took a liking to me his name is Elvis…

We talked and then got ready to head out. Vicki has the bull tag and I got a cow tag so Clint set us up at a small waterhole with an old wood blind and we had to do some rearranging but got it set pretty good. We were set up by 3:00.

Weather conditions are warm & sunny with some strong gusts the wind is blowing away from the water hole to us so it’s good so far.

At approximately 3:30 had a cow moose coming running in from the west. It drank for a few minutes and then head SW, that was awesome! Also heard from Vicki she had a good 7×7 in as they were just setting up  but wasn’t ready and he got there wind and took off. Also had a young 5×5 in drinking after that!

A little later we had two young bull moose come in from the same direction and then the wind picked up and some rain.

Then had a doe & yearly come in and drink and shortly after had a big ole cow moose and med bull come in.

We had 5 moose in today, that’s crazy! All total we saw 5 moose, 3 mule deer, 1 skunk and a small bird flew right into Chad. So it was a great 1st afternoon sit.
September 2nd….

Clint dropped us off and we hiked into the water hole. Weather is calm clear sky’s and very slight wind.

At about 6:50 am had a doe come drink from the SW but might of got our wind slightly and decided to head out, didn’t run but knew something wasn’t right. We can hear some bulls bugling to the far SSW. Going to pack it up at 10:00 am movement has been slow but we did see a total of 6 mule deer all does & yearlyns. Heard some coyotes to the south but didn’t see any. I believe Vicki saw a small bull but wind was blowing right to him. Still was worth every minute!

This afternoon hunt Clint dropped us off below the water hole and we hiked up into it keeping the wind in our favor. We were all settled in by 3:30. Weather is a bit breezy not a lot of cloud cover and hot! The flies are out like crazy we need some cooler weather for sure and they are saying we should get it this weekend.

At 4:30 spotted a doe & fawn to the SW and they came right to the water and got our wind and spooked. They went to the east and walking around us now.

Just had another doe & fawn come out and they hit the scent of where the other doe spooked over an hour &1/2 ago and they just took off! Shows how important it is to not disturb your area or spook game. Wind and being well concealed is everything!!!

6:20 had a doe & fawn come in from the west, they drank and headed to the south.

Vicki is hearing a bull bugle but has not come over the ridge yet to her, keeping my fingers crossed. The wind is settling a bit and the flies are finally slowing up. Had a couple more deer come in but way to skiddish.

It was almost 7:00 when Chad whispered ELK ! And sure enough there was a cow coming out of the dark timber to the south. She was nervous and very cautious we could only hope the wind held out for us. She approached slowly checking everything out and finally she committed to drink.

Vicki had gotten the bull tag and when I was not that lucky Clint said we could still get a cow voucher and asked me if I was interested in doing that! It took me a second to respond….”Hell yeah! Elk hunting is elk hunting and cows always taste better than Bulls!” LOL!

So there she was at 26 yards I held and released my Beman Whiteout arrow struck and passed right thru with my Hellrazors, she spun and ran about 60 yards and we couldn’t see her anymore. So we calmed down, about 20 minutes passed and we spotted more movement to the south. This time it was a young bull elk and he was coming to water.

He came and drank and then he started to wallow and water was flying everywhere, and all of a sudden I heard grunting from behind.

And it was a very familiar sound and it wasn’t elk! Nope the grunt was a bull moose and he was coming. The bull elk didn’t care a bit and I could here the grunts getting closer so I grabbed my cell phone and tried to record the bull moose coming in. Not sure what is wrong with my phone but the beeping comes on and wrecks the audio but got to love this bull coming in right past out makeshift blind!

He came in and drank and the bull elk just kept on wallowing and then the elk chases the moose away!

What an evening!! The Kearl ranch is incredible to say the least! We texted Clint and he came in and we got on the trail. The cow piled up about 60-80yds away!

What an evening is an under statement,a this place is out of this world. The management on this ranch is incredible.

Vicki had numerous encounters with 6 different Bulls, she is in a wallow rich area that is covered up with activity & sign.

September 3rd…..

I was up early and made coffee for everyone. Vicki was up getting ready and Greg took them up and about 7:00am my phone went off and it was Vicki so I answered it, she asked for more coffee and I knew she shot something! She laughed and said there is a nice 6×6 down about 70yds away. Clint, Chad & I all were listening as she told us about her hunt, we were all pumped up! So we waisted no time and headed up, Greg got off stand and did the same we all got there about the same time and started to track. It wasn’t long and there he laid piled up. A beautiful Utah bull elk! Pictures and taking care of the animal followed for the next few hours.

Contact Clint Kearl for more info on the elk & deer hunts he has to offered! It’s amazing!!