Teaching Ralph On How To Post On His Blogs…

Technology is a wonderful thing, unless you are Ralph, who hates it!! Ok, hate may be a bit strong for his feelings to it, but there’s a definite dislike to it.

I’ve been posting Ralph’s Ramblings, he’s been writing stuff and sending it to me, well I decided it’s time for him to learn something new… Blogging.

So here we sit in bear camp, up in Alberta, waiting patiently in the heat for us to head out to our stands. Ralph just posted something up on Facebook and I told him that he should write a blog instead. Then it all began….

He’s got his phone, I have mine and we are using the wifi in camp.  (Yes, we know, wifi in camp?!?) anyways, I had already had the app set up on his phone for him, now it’s time to help him figure it out. Not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing, but you guys will be the ones to find out.

So far it’s going good and he even understood how to add a picture. He’s planning on working on something this afternoon from the his Ameristep blind….

So as I write this, I’m thinking that he’s blogging on his phone…. But no, his playing a hunting game on it!!! I guess I’ll still be the one posting up his blogs!! Lol!!!


Sitting In The Bear Blind!


Playing Catch Up