Move West, Young Men!.. Well, Maybe Old Man Now…😉

Wow, things are still crazy in this wild world we live in. Between living life and generating a livelihood there are so many changes going on for everyone and we, the Cianciarulo’s are no different.

We have been in a yearly transition of packing up our lives in IL and taking the wagon train out west to CO. Yes, that is right, we have made the decision to leave IL. Our home state, whitetail deer, eastern turkeys and tons of squirrels, and other small game, cornfields that run for miles as with the soybean fields that cover thousands of acres. Some of the darkest richest soil to grow these crops, big oaks, maples and walnut trees, farmers in the fields, local gatherings on Friday night at the high school football games and so much more in the rural lands of the Midwest.

Fall in the Midwest

Vicki & I have always loved the mountains, the pines and the western way of living. We have taken every opportunity to share this with RJ and he too shares in the passion of the great west. We started our journey a few years ago with a cabin on the mountain.

We tried to be there as much as possible even with our crazy schedule, the first time we saw elk on our 41 acres we came to tears for we never thought in our lifetime we would own a piece of land that we would have an elk on, let alone since then, elk, mule deer, black bear, Merriam turkeys, bobcats, fox, and mountain lions, all on our Spypoint cameras, not including all types of small game critters and different birds.

Yep, it took our souls by surprise and made us realize our living life is a journey that starts the day we are born and ends the day we leave this planet and each day we are blessed to be here. So why not work towards making life dreams a reality.

Reality really set in once Todd, at Whitetail Properties, told us he had offers coming in on our home and land in IL! The next two weeks were filled with negotiations back and forth, learning more about selling real estate than ever before. It’s funny when it’s yours you feel it’s part of you, but in reality the land and our home is just memories for us to live with. If you’re like us, HOME is where you make it, you bring your family, love, passion and experience’s with you.

Will we miss IL, yes, it is where we all were born and raised, we loved… most of the people, our friends and family. We look forward to the new adventures that our family will experience.

For many who have moved before, you know what a pain in the butt this can be, the frustrations, the stuff we all accumulate through the years and truly realize just how much crap we all have! This is where we realized, holy crap, do we have a lot of mounts!! Praise the lord, this is where our buddy Shane, owner of Big Horn Trophy Haulers, came to our rescue.

Big Horn Trophy Haulers – second load!

If you have ever thought about moving your trophies, this is absolutely the way to go. To watch his team strategically pack and mount all the trophies, in his fleet of custom designed trailers, it was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle! His rule is nothing can touch each other and seeing the puzzle come to be was amazing!

More mounts to move….

As we continue to pack up trailer loads and make the drive every opportunity we can between hunting & filming, business and trying to live life, we realize just how lucky we are as a family to be able to head west, to start a new family adventure.

So Yes, we are moving and leaving IL, our company AC Media Inc. will eventually be completely out there as well. We’re looking forward to our little company growing even more with the next generation, as RJ will be playing a much bigger part in everything we do. He has grown into a solid, young man and his crew is just as strong and wanting to take everything to the next level.

New view on life!

As things progress we will try and keep you updated and once reality kicks in you just might see a whole new look and excitement from all of us on the next journey for the Cianciarulo’s…



Table Mountain Antelope to Table


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