Return To Prairie Goats - 20 Years On Outdoor Channel!

This hunt is to be a nostalgic look back at when we decided to start our TV careers. We were hunting antelope out in CO with Phil Phillips and Jess Moats it was there they told us we should really consider doing a TV show due to all the years we had been filming already for our videos & DVDs.

We weren’t sure about it, but on our travels home we made the decision to go for it. And go for it we did!!  Now flash forward 20 years and here we are celebrating our 20th year on the Outdoor Channel and what better way to kick it off than return to Vicki & I filming each other and making it happen together, return to prairie goats!. We decided to head to Table Mountain Outfitters, with our friends Scott & Angie Denny, to make this happen again! It’s been a crazy ride and we have been blessed to say the least.


First morning out we had antelope all over, more bucks than does we could see all around us. We watched as many went to a water hole to our east, and then we spotted 3 bucks heading in our direction from the south.

They made it to the water but our wind was blowing directly towards them and just made them too nervous and they took off.

A few hours later we spotted 2 more bucks coming in from same direction and I was tucked into the corner of the blind and could only see the smaller buck come in, and the bigger one snuck in before I could get him on camera as he was on my blind spot. I quickly moved the camera and got on him and Vicki stuck him at 30 yds with a perfect shot it was awesome and he ran and piled up within a couple of seconds. Her Hoyt was set at 57# with a 26.5 inch draw. She was shooting Easton FMJ arrows tipped with a New Archery Product Trivex broadhead.

Scott & Angie came in we took some photos, we field dressed the buck and and then they took the antelope back to the cooler.

We didn’t waste much time after that, as Scott & Angie had brought my Hoyt Helix out with them, when they came to get Vicki’s goat! We quickly got back set up I the blind, I grabbed my release, arrows and got ready to rock & roll!

With all the activity we made we didn’t see much movement until about 5:30. We had 2 does and 1 yearly come by but stayed far out, then I noticed a buck in back of us on the ridge coming towards us, and then another. The second buck was a nice one. They took their time, but finally the younger one came to drink, but the bigger one didn’t like something and became alert, then they both walked off.

That night, in camp, it was awesome to hear all the stories and see the smiles on so many faces at they talked about their day. This is what hunting camps are supposed to be, the laughs, the true passion and concern from fellow hunters on asking how was your day…. It wasn’t just gibberish about the water fountain, it was real!


So with all the activity we seen it was simple when Angie asked where do we want to go, and we said same blind if that is ok with you all? So we were packed and heading into the same pasture where Vicki scored yesterday.

As the sun rose we could see antelope all around, and had some mule deer come in early to drink before heading to bed for the day, and slowly the parade of antelope made their way closer. Watching them take their time slowly feeding on the way in, smaller bucks, does, yearlings, birds of all kinds all heading in for the one source of survival we all need…WATER.

We sat all morning, having antelope come in and out and then we could see a big herd in back of us slowly heading in and the bucks were at the tail end. After what seemed a longtime the buck I really wanted to try for came in and drank at the same location where Vicki’s stood for his last time yesterday.

I drew my Hoyt back and as I released he dropped and spun, it happened so fast but my Easton tipped with my Spitfire struck high and went down into his lungs and out towards his hip. The buck spun around again and ran about 80 yards and piled into the ground, never to rise again.

I was done, the coolest thing is Vicki & I returned to hunting antelope out west together, filming each other like we did when we started this journey over 20+ years ago.


Who would have ever thought that Vicki & I would be on TV for this many years, sharing their hunting adventures and life, laughing, crying and actually raising our family in front of millions for all these years?  The reality of our story is simple, we never started this to be known, to be experts or sign autographs. Nope, we just wanted to hunt together, share it with other families and hopefully someday to help make a difference for others. We hoped to have spouse’s, who maybe never hunted, watch what we do and say “You know what? That looks like fun!’ Seeing how we get along. It’s not about the size of the animal, its about sharing it with the ones you love! All we ever hoped for was to help in growing the lifestyle that we love!!

Through all these years we have heard from so may saying ‘Thanks. You’re one of the only hunting shows my wife will watch!’ And to all of you and our sponsors, we want to say THANKS, for without all of you, we would have not been able to do this for as long as we have. God bless and get the family out in the woods and on the waters, teach and share this great lifestyle and make your choices simple…

Ralph & Vicki

A big thanks to Angie & Scott Denny at Table Mountain Outfittersfor being part of this adventure and for their friendship!!

Antelope 2019 – return to prairie goats!
Table Mountain Outfitters –
Scott & Angie Denny


Move West, Young Men!.. Well, Maybe Old Man Now…😉


You can’t make this SH!T up!