Are You Ready For “GCG”…Ground Checking Gobblers?
It’s that time of year… You know when you are up early in the woods and listening for that owl to hoot and and shortly after, you hear one gobble, followed by another, and another! You hit the mother load they are all roosted within 100 yards or so and you quietly sneak in closer and set up. It’s still dark, you go set up your decoy, sneak back and sit down… OUCH! Right on a branch that is sticking straight out of the ground. You reach for your pruners/saw and nothing! You forgot them…
This has happened to us way too many times but you can make a difference this year by getting ready in advance. Here is what we normally do prior to turkey season and maybe it can help you.
So many things we all carry in our vests but maybe this can be a good reminder:
Tried and Tested Turkey Vest w/Seat
Flashlight or Headlamp w/Extra Batteries
Toilet Paper and/or Wet Wipes… because you know you’ll need them if you don’t
Phone with BASEMAPApp so you know your property lines
There are a lot of things to carry but these are the essentials. I can tell you if you plan now you will see it will help to be better prepared in the field this spring.