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Are You Ready For “GCG”…Ground Checking Gobblers?
Are you ready for “GCG”…
Our Bloggers:
Ralph was born in 1960 and grew up in a household without much hunting. He fell in love with archery in his younger years and ended up starting an archery shop in the suburbs of Chicago! In the 80’s, he began making productions of his hunts around the world. In the 90’s, he and his wife, Vicki, closed the shop and pursued a full career in filming their hunts.
Vicki grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and is definitely an 80’s girl! Growing up she had worked at a newspaper and various other jobs until she finally found her place at an archery shop called Archer’s Choice… Yes, that Archer’s Choice! For many years, Vicki has kept Ralph’s head straight and is the real boss in the company! Hahah!
RJ is Ralph and Vickis’ son and has grown up living the outdoor lifestyle. He was never forced or pushed into this lifestyle but with his parents always being his biggest mentors and the people he looks up to the most, he walked right into it and hasn’t looked back!
Are you ready for “GCG”…